Willem Mali, Clinical scientific leader

Willem Mali

Willem Mali got his MD at Utrecht University in 1975. He became a resident in radiology at the University Hospital Utrecht and was registered as radiologist in 1980. In 1979 he performed a fellowship in radiology at the University of California in Los Angeles. In 1983 he obtained his PhD in medicine for research on a vascular interventional procedure. From 1987 to 1992, he was medical manager of the Department of Radiology at the University Hospital Utrecht. In 1989 he became professor of radiology in this hospital.

Since 1993, Willem Mali has been responsible for the clinical research of the radiology department. He has initiated and participated in many of the large-scale trials that validated newly developed minimally invasive treatment techniques. This involved iliac artery stenting (DIST trial), renal artery stenting (STAR trial), carotid artery stenting (ICSS trial), vertebroplasty (VERTOS trial), and many other interventional procedures. He directs the research at the department of radiology, involving 8 postdocs and 12 PhD students and a small trial office. Research subsidies acquired are well over 20 M€, and include four recent large CTMM projects: Volta, Mammoth, Parisk and HIFU-CHEM. There is a longstanding working relationship with Philips which in the last few years focuses on MRI-guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation. Willem Mali is (co)author of 360 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and has supervised 68 PhD theses. He has been a member of several committees of the Gezondheidsraad, of the Foundation “Het Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde”, of the SCK committee of the Dutch Cancer Society, and of the scientific board of the Netherlands Heart Foundation. Willem Mali is an honorary Fellow of CIRSE (the Cardiovascular International Radiological Society of Europe).

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